Home Series 1: Origins

05apr7:30 pmHome Series 1: OriginsCANCELLED

Event Details

Due to Coronavirus restrictions, this concert has now been cancelled.


NZTrio’s 2020 concert series offers an inspiring exploration of ancestry, diversity and heritage. Each concert begins with a powerful masterwork from Beethoven in a toast to his enduring influence on our European music traditions. Then we swerve off towards more exotic realms representing a kaleidoscope of geographical, cultural and religious influences:

The first episode, Origins, celebrates the rebirth of NZTrio, introducing the new line-up with a journey through their musical and cultural influences – English, Korean, Indian, Jewish-American – and spotlights the inclusive understanding exemplified by Zemlinsky.

The second, InterFusions, tours through rich combinations of Greek-Canadian, Sri Lankan-Canadian and Japanese-Kiwi flavours, returning to Europe for the equally aromatic masterpiece of Ravel.

The final episode, Constellations, explores the spectral clusters of the cosmos, returning to Earth into the romantic embrace of Korngold.


SERIES SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW ON SALE – BOOK NOW and go in the draw to win a $200 WORLD clothing brand voucher (prize drawn over post-concert drinks April 7th).

Origins – 5/7 April
InterFusions – 5/7 July
Constellations – 18/20 October






Origins opens with Beethoven’s mighty Ghost trio to celebrate his birth a quarter of a millennium ago. Then we celebrate the rebirth of NZTrio, introducing this new line-up with a tour through our cultural and musical backgrounds. Works by Mark Anthony Turnage (UK) and Isang Yun (Korea) envelop a brand new work by Sarah Ballard (NZ) deeply inspired by Indian culture and music. (How do these works represent us? Come along and find out!) To finish, our attention turns to the worrying global upsurges of separatism and hatred, so the last word comes from Austrian-American Alexander von Zemlinsky whose Jewish-Muslim upbringing inspires understanding and love.


Beethoven: Ghost

Turnage: A Fast Stomp

Ballard (NZ): Prema Lahari (new commission)

Yun: Piano Trio

Zemlinsky: Piano Trio


Duration: Approx. 90 mins plus interval


TICKETS $50 Adults / $25 Students / $135 Subscription

Booking fees apply

Sunday April 5th, 7:30pm* – BOOK NOW

Tuesday April 7th, 7pm – BOOK NOW

SOUNZ members choose 10% discount option

Q’s Loft Theatre – 305 Queen Street, Auckland  09 309 9771

*Note a later start time than our usual 5pm on Sundays. This is to accommodate any cross-over audience with CMNZ’s concert earlier that day at the Town Hall. If you are attending both concerts, keep hold of both tickets as we have a special thank you in store for you upon your arrival at Q.


April 5, 2020 7:30 pm UTC+12:00(GMT+00:00)


Loft at Q

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