Piano Trio (2015) – c. 17′

Ken writes: “There’s no programme as such, but it’s not abstract, put it that way. When I began writing it I was feeling angry about a couple of things that were going on – political and societal issues here in New Zealand. My ire was raised, and when my ire is raised I always find it a good time to pick up a pen and take it out on a piece of manuscript – rather than anybody else! It’s quite a cathartic process. So that’s why this piano trio starts angrily and continues on fast and furious until it reaches the expressive part of the piece, when the tension dissipates somewhat and it becomes more melancholy. There’s a sad little waltz in the piano and a lament from the cello, then an uplifting solo from the violin towards the end. I don’t want to say how it ends, but let’s just say there are several mood swings. I’ve loved writing this piece. Especially for musicians who can play anything that’s put in front of them. In this work, they each get a chance to express themselves and engage us with their phenomenal technique.”

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