Helix (2006) – c. 23′


Archon: metron

The biggest nothing of them all


Helix is a 3-movement work inspired by and infused with the rhythms and melodies of Greek folk music. The first movement, archon: metron, takes inspiration from the ancient rhythms and sounds of Greek music, yet it is an entirely original composition. There is a feeling of improvisation in the violin and cello melodies, along with great dramatic contrast.

The Biggest Nothing of Them All communicates a deep sorrow and heartfelt despair, and is the emotional core of the whole piece. It is filled with quiet intensity and passion.

The 3rd movement, Tarantismo, evokes a whirling tarantella dance.  Folklore talks of this wild dance helping to eradicate the effects of the poison of the tarantula spider – which gently starts in the depths and builds in intensity to a dramatic climax.

Helix, for piano trio, was commissioned by NZTrio with funding from The University of Auckland.
