There May be Light for Piano Trio and Clarinet (2016) – c. 12′

Senryu (2006) – c. 4′


There May be Light

Commissioned by Chamber Music New Zealand especially for Julian Bliss and NZTrio, this piece raises questions which may or may not have answers, according to Harris.

“Musically complex with unusual instrumentation and the use of multiphonics, this was an intriguing piece, and a very interesting change in tone. Where Brahms was warm and inviting, this was eerie, haunting and gave me chills – it left me wanting more.” Sarah van Voomveld, Southland Times review.



Senryu – a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. “An inquiry into the nature of man.” Associating a poetic form with this music concerns the regular balanced proportions of section lengths. This strict formal outline is articulated freely and intuitively.

Commissioned by NZTrio, with funding from Creative New Zealand.
