This triple bill features dazzling choreography by Sarah Knox, Cameron McMillan and Loughlan Prior, with dynamic performances by some of New Zealand’s best freelance dancers, sharing the stage with the prodigious NZTrio – Amalia Hall (violin), Ashley Brown (cello) and Somi Kim (piano). This programme of New Zealand choreography will be performed to live music by Rhian Sheehan (re-arranged for NZTrio by Ryan Youens), internationally acclaimed John Psathas, and a score by Claire Cowan commissioned by NZTrio.
BalletCollective Aotearoa & NZTrio He Taonga Wairere
This exciting collaboration whisks audiences into a world where movement meets music, soaring with soul and emotion, winning rave reviews
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Time: 6:00pm & 8:30pm
Duration: 60 minutes, no interval
Venue: Lake Wānaka Centre
Price: Allocated Seating $60/$55/$50; Student $25