A gift in your Will to ensure the legacy of NZTrio will continue for years to come.
NZTrio He Taonga Wairere honours artistic integrity and connects audiences across Aotearoa New Zealand to the experience of live piano trio music. We are artistic and cultural ambassadors both in Aotearoa and beyond, fostering and championing New Zealand music alongside heritage piano trio repertoire.

Your Will can continue the legacy of this vital and treasured taonga.
Your Will is a unique and clear record of how you want your possessions, property and your money (your assets) to be distributed when you die. A signed, correctly worded Will brings peace of mind, knowing that you have remembered your loved ones, as well as the charities you choose to support after your death.
Four simple ways you can acknowledge NZTrio in your Will:
After providing for your family and friends, clearing debts and taxes, you can nominate to leave part, or all of what is left of your estate
A percentage of the value of your estate
A specific sum of money
Entire Estate
We would recommend discussing this with your legal adviser first
Directions for Trustees of Family Trusts
If your assets are primarily held in a Family Trust, a direction can be given to the Trustees to make a donation to NZTrio Foundation in the event of your death. We recommend discussing this with your Trustees and your legal adviser.
How to leave NZTrio a bequest
If you already have a Will and you would like to leave us a bequest, it is a simple process to have an addition made to your Will; it is called a codicil. Your legal representative will be able to help you complete this.
When making or updating your Will please take care of your family and friends first. Then please consider leaving something, no matter how small, of whatever is left to NZTrio.
We give an example of bequest wording below, but it does not replace the need to obtain independent legal advice before making a bequest.
How to word your bequest:
“I bequest to NZTrio Foundation, the sum of $ (or) % of my estate, (or) residue of my estate (or) property or assets as follows: (delete the options that do not apply), to be used for its general purposes.
I declare the official receipt of NZTrio Foundation shall be sufficient discharge for my Trustee/ Executors.”
Ngā mihi nui – Thank you
We appreciate a Will is a very private document and assure you that your gift to NZTrio will be kept strictly confidential, unless otherwise stated by you.We also promise to respect and use your gift carefully so it will give maximum benefit to NZTrio for years to come.
If you have any further questions about leaving a gift in your Will to NZTrio, or need more information about NZTrio, we’d love to hear from you.